HP Omnicept featuring Syracuse University | VR | HP

You can’t combat biases you can’t detect. That’s why Makana Chock is using the HP Omnicept VR platform and HP Reverb G2 Omnicept VR headset to help identify how our pre-existing belief systems affect how we process information. By tracking the bioanalytics of users, Chock and the Extended Reality Lab at Syracuse University are able to gain valuable insights to track the consistency of pre-existing biases with a user’s response to a virtual experience. (via HP YouTube Channel)

Learn more about #HPOmnicept and the #HPReverbG2 Omnicept Edition #VR headset: http://www.hp.com/omnicept

This score features a sample from a performance of Camille Saint-Saens’ Bassoon Sonata, Op. 168 performed by Charles Kaufmann and Einar Røttingen.

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